Shelter From The Storm

With Pastor Rod Carver

Scheduled on

Friday 11:30 am 12:00 pm
Friday 8:30 pm 9:00 pm
Monday – Thursday 11:30 am 12:00 pm
Monday – Thursday 8:30 pm 9:00 pm

Shelter From The Storm

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Raised in a Christian home in Southern California with five siblings, Pastor Rod attended church throughout his upbringing. After some time away from God through college and flirting with a professional surfing career he recommitted himself to God then met and married his wife Noreen in 1990. After traveling and working in the surf industry then later as a school teacher, he was asked to serve as a youth minister and assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel of Chino Valley, California (a church of more than 8,000 members today). He served with CCCV over 4 years, but felt called to go out and serve in mission work or church planting.

In the fall of 1995, Rod and Noreen Carver began praying about where the Lord might lead them. By December of 1995 the possibilities had narrowed and their prayers began to focus on Corpus Christi. As a college student when Rod struggled with his faith, he became involved with drugs and the surfing culture of the times. God’s pull on his life never let up. Rod rededicated his life to the Lord at a surf contest on North Padre Island. Eight years had passed without a thought of returning but when push came to shove, God wanted Rod and Noreen in Corpus Christi. A visit in the summer of 1996 confirmed that God would move them to South Texas.

In October of 1997 Rod, Noreen and their two daughters moved to Texas to begin “Coastlands Bible Study”. By January 1998, Calvary Chapel Coastlands started meeting as an incorporated church. The fellowship continues to grow. In December 2004 Calvary Chapel Coastlands moved to the current location on Rodd Field Road and Saratoga.

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