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The Word For Today

The Word for Today

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The Word For Today



Pastor Chuck had been the pastor of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa for almost 50 years and in Christian ministry for some 65 years. He was 86 years old when he entered Glory. His impact on the Christian Church in the 20th century was like few others. Directly and indirectly: Thousands and thousands of churches have been planted all over the world as the fruit of his work Tens of thousands of pastors – both in the Calvary Chapel movement and far, far beyond – have been influenced and trained by him Millions of people came to a saving trust in and relationship with Jesus Christ, and millions more were led to Christian maturity through his Bible teaching and broader ministry The worship environment of the contemporary Christianity was essentially birthed through his ministry. His emphasis on the verse-by-verse exposition of the Bible as the center of the teaching and preaching ministry of the church has had a vast influence.

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A Sure Foundation



A Sure Foundation is the radio ministry of Pastor David Rosales and Calvary Chapel Chino Valley. Pastor David can be heard weekdays on radio stations around the United States teaching the Bible in a verse-by-verse style. Previous teachings are archived below so you can listen on demand.

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Chapter and Verse



For 41 years, Mike faithfully pastored Horizon Christian Fellowship in San Diego where his son, Phillip, has now transitioned into that role. This new season of ministry is providing Mike more opportunity to travel and equip the church worldwide, as well as reaching those who are hurting and lost.

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The Balanced Word



Dave is the Senior Pastor at Calvary Chapel Pacific Hills. He has served in this capacity for over 15 years. Prior to that he was an assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa for 25 years. Dave has been married to Anne for over 30 years and they have two grown sons, William (who is married to Brittany) and Danny (who is married to Lauren.) In addition to this, Dave has two grandchildren (Sadie and Brandon).  Dave loves teaching the word of God, riding his Harley, and watching mixed martial arts.

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Larger Then Life



Pastor Ron Hindt is the senior pastor at Calvary Houston. Born and raised in southern California, he spent several years as a rock musician in the Hollywood/LA area. In 1980, Pastor Ron joined Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa under Pastor Chuck Smith. He later served as an assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel Pacific Hills, California for several years. Pastor Ron moved to Houston and founded Calvary Houston in 1991. What started as a small home fellowship, focused on contemporary worship and expositional teaching of the Bible, now serves thousands of people each week. The vision of Calvary Houston is to Worship the Lord, Win the Lost, Disciple the Saints, and Send the Equipped. He and his wife, Yani, have a blended family with three grown children, two adopted children together, and two grandchildren.

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Demian Kyle committed his life to the Lord in 1980 at Calvary Chapel Napa California at the age of 25. He had previously been employed as a cable splicer with the phone company. His family moved from Napa to Modesto in June of 1985 to plant a Calvary Chapel with the blessing of their home church.

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Truth For Life



In our culture, retirement is often seen as a chance to relax and step away from responsibility. On Truth For Life, Alistair Begg presents a different perspective as he challenges us to plan for a lifetime of devoted service to God.

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A New Beginning



Greg Laurie is the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship with campuses in California and Hawaii. He began his pastoral ministry at the age of 19 by leading a Bible study of 30 people. Since then, God has transformed that small group into a church of some 15,000 people. Today, Harvest is one of the largest churches in America, and consistently ranks among the most influential churches in the country.

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On The Level



Pancho continues to share his straight-ahead, straight-up style of teaching. While he is still going through the divine refinement process, and lacking polished public-speaking abilities, he nevertheless will not shy away from these impediments, and will exploit any opportunity given to share the message of Christ any place, anywhere. He strongly believes that Jesus Christ is the only answer and hope for this dying world.

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Chapter and Verse



For 41 years, Mike faithfully pastored Horizon Christian Fellowship in San Diego where his son, Phillip, has now transitioned into that role. This new season of ministry is providing Mike more opportunity to travel and equip the church worldwide, as well as reaching those who are hurting and lost.

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Somebody Loves you



Through Somebody Loves You Ministries, Ries is on the radio nation wide on over 350 stations and in New Zealand and travels across the country and internationally with the Somebody Loves You Crusades, seeking new avenues to reach the people where they live. Along with these international outreaches, he heads up his missions ministry, so send I you. Ries travels to South America, Europe, India, Japan and other countries to participate in and organize Pastor Conferences. The great commission that was given to the apostles is always at the forefront of Ries’ mind, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8.

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Gracious Words



Cheryl was born the youngest daughter of Pastor Chuck and Kay Smith. At a young age, her father instilled in her a love for biblical truth. But according to Cheryl, her mother was the person who infused her with a passion and enthusiasm for the promises and exhortations of Scripture. Although Cheryl grew up in a godly home, she experienced a two-year crisis of faith her senior year of high school and first year of college. Introduced to intellectualism and stumbled by an emotional upheaval, she almost surrendered her faith. “I remember being alone in my room and literally contemplating resigning myself from the Christian faith. … Suddenly, I felt a presence enter the room.” Cheryl describes this as the time Jesus presented Himself to her and asked, “What will YOU do with Me?” That day, Cheryl made a full surrender of her life to Jesus Christ.

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Pleasing God



Kay Smith is the mother of four, and the wife of Chuck Smith Pastor of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Ca. In the 1970s Kay started and led the Joyful Life women's ministry for years. Kay is also an author and you can view her books by clicking here. I first met Kay in 1974 when I accepted Jesus as my Savior, Kay did not know the tremendous effect she had on my life. Her gentle and loving spirit was so apparent to me, I felt I could sit for hours listening to Kay talk about her love for Jesus. My special times with her were spent in Lake Arrowhead at the women's retreats. Kay patiently listened to my personal experiences then shared what word the Lord had given her on what issues I had told her about. Now you can listen to these teachings from Kay and be as blessed as I was and still am.

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The Word For Today



Pastor Chuck had been the pastor of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa for almost 50 years and in Christian ministry for some 65 years. He was 86 years old when he entered Glory. His impact on the Christian Church in the 20th century was like few others. Directly and indirectly: Thousands and thousands of churches have been planted all over the world as the fruit of his work Tens of thousands of pastors – both in the Calvary Chapel movement and far, far beyond – have been influenced and trained by him Millions of people came to a saving trust in and relationship with Jesus Christ, and millions more were led to Christian maturity through his Bible teaching and broader ministry The worship environment of the contemporary Christianity was essentially birthed through his ministry. His emphasis on the verse-by-verse exposition of the Bible as the center of the teaching and preaching ministry of the church has had a vast influence.

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Pastor Bob Hoekstra was the founder and Director of Living in Christ Ministries. He had been in ministry since 1967, including fourteen years in Dallas, TX and eleven years as Pastor of Calvary Chapel of Irvine, CA. He and his wife, Dini, were married in 1966, and have three adult children and thirteen grandchildren. Bob graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1973 with the Master of Theology degree. Bob’s involvement with the Calvary Chapels began in 1971, when he and his wife Dini visited Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa on a Sunday evening. They were deeply touched by the life-giving teaching of the word of God, the simple worship “in Spirit and in truth”, and the profound expressions of the love of the Lord among the saints. Upon returning to Dallas, they regularly obtained Pastor Chuck Smith’s teaching tapes and eventually became daily listeners of the Word for Today on the radio. Since 1993, Bob had been teaching at Calvary Chapel and other church fellowships across the country and overseas (including, Seminars, Pastors’ Conferences, Church Services, Leadership Conferences, Retreats, and Schools of Evangelism/Ministry). He has taught numerous classes at Calvary Chapel Bible College (both at its former location in Twin Peaks, CA and its current location in Murrieta Hot Springs, CA) as well as at the extension campuses of Costa Mesa, Vista, San Diego, El Cajon, and others. Bob’s teaching generally highlights such subjects as Counseling God’s Way, Family God’s Way, Growing in the Grace of God, The Church: How Jesus Builds It, Contending for the Faith, Promise Believers, The Sufficiency of Christ and His Word, The Psychologizing of the Faith, and related themes. The Living in Christ Radio Program featuring these studies is heard on radio stations across America as well as on-demand through our website and on

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Riverview Radio



Ed has been serving in pastoral ministry since 2003 and began Riverview Calvary Chapel on September 2015. Before that, he had the privilege of serving on the west side of San Antonio, TX, and as a missionary in Reynosa, Mexico. Ed is also the founding pastor of Calvary Chapel McAllen Metro in McAllen, TX and Lifeline Calvary Chapel in Irving, TX. Pastor Ed desires that the congregation love Jesus Christ, His Word, His people, and have the heart to reach those who do not know Him yet.

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The Searchlight Radio Programs feature Pastor Jon Courson's Thru-the-Bible teachings. Because the original full length teachings are longer than the 30 minute radio show, the teachings are usually aired over two or three days. Below are the most recent radio programs. You have the option here of listening to just a single day's Searchlight Radio Program or the full length teachings.

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Chapter and Verse



For 41 years, Mike faithfully pastored Horizon Christian Fellowship in San Diego where his son, Phillip, has now transitioned into that role. This new season of ministry is providing Mike more opportunity to travel and equip the church worldwide, as well as reaching those who are hurting and lost.

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Strengthened by Grace



Strengthened By Grace, focuses on systematically teaching God's word. Pastor Abraham Moreno's desire it to help others build their lives on the foundation of God's Word, because there is no greater foundation. "Once I gained a deeper understanding of God’s redeeming Grace, my fears were gone, my doubts were gone, my efforts to serve Him stopped being requirements for salvation and my service to God became, joy filled and love driven. It was truly like the writer of Hebrews said in Hebrews 13:9 “Your strength comes from God’s grace, not from rules…” Each radio program is taken from his weekly teaching at Calvary Chapel McAllen Metro.

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A New Beginning



Greg Laurie is the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship with campuses in California and Hawaii. He began his pastoral ministry at the age of 19 by leading a Bible study of 30 people. Since then, God has transformed that small group into a church of some 15,000 people. Today, Harvest is one of the largest churches in America, and consistently ranks among the most influential churches in the country.

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Living Waters



Pastor Steve Johnson, after being under great conviction of the Holy Spirit, was literally brought to his knees in a field and was filled with the Holy Spirit in 1975. Married to Terri in 1977, they later moved to Phoenix, where Steve became acquainted with the Bible teachings of Pastor Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa. As an Arizona salesman, he spent many hours in the car listening to radio, and soon began to schedule his day around the verse-by-verse Bible teachings. When North Phoenix Calvary Chapel began as a home fellowship, Steve and his wife Terri found a spiritual home. Five years later, in 1984, they were sent to Omaha to establish a new work. Beginning with a tape lending library and a rented room for Bible studies, the initial small group grew to become Calvary Chapel of Omaha. Later, the congregation moved to Bellevue and has taken the name Maranatha Fellowship.

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Gracious Words



Cheryl was born the youngest daughter of Pastor Chuck and Kay Smith. At a young age, her father instilled in her a love for biblical truth. But according to Cheryl, her mother was the person who infused her with a passion and enthusiasm for the promises and exhortations of Scripture. Although Cheryl grew up in a godly home, she experienced a two-year crisis of faith her senior year of high school and first year of college. Introduced to intellectualism and stumbled by an emotional upheaval, she almost surrendered her faith. “I remember being alone in my room and literally contemplating resigning myself from the Christian faith. … Suddenly, I felt a presence enter the room.” Cheryl describes this as the time Jesus presented Himself to her and asked, “What will YOU do with Me?” That day, Cheryl made a full surrender of her life to Jesus Christ.

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A Sure Foundation



A Sure Foundation is the radio ministry of Pastor David Rosales and Calvary Chapel Chino Valley. Pastor David can be heard weekdays on radio stations around the United States teaching the Bible in a verse-by-verse style. Previous teachings are archived below so you can listen on demand.

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Shelter From The Storm



Raised in a Christian home in Southern California with five siblings, Pastor Rod attended church throughout his upbringing. After some time away from God through college and flirting with a professional surfing career he recommitted himself to God then met and married his wife Noreen in 1990. After traveling and working in the surf industry then later as a school teacher, he was asked to serve as a youth minister and assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel of Chino Valley, California (a church of more than 8,000 members today). He served with CCCV over 4 years, but felt called to go out and serve in mission work or church planting. In the fall of 1995, Rod and Noreen Carver began praying about where the Lord might lead them. By December of 1995 the possibilities had narrowed and their prayers began to focus on Corpus Christi. As a college student when Rod struggled with his faith, he became involved with drugs and the surfing culture of the times. God’s pull on his life never let up. Rod rededicated his life to the Lord at a surf contest on North Padre Island. Eight years had passed without a thought of returning but when push came to shove, God wanted Rod and Noreen in Corpus Christi. A visit in the summer of 1996 confirmed that God would move them to South Texas. In October of 1997 Rod, Noreen and their two daughters moved to Texas to begin “Coastlands Bible Study”. By January 1998, Calvary Chapel Coastlands started meeting as an incorporated church. The fellowship continues to grow. In December 2004 Calvary Chapel Coastlands moved to the current location on Rodd Field Road and Saratoga.

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Chapter and Verse



For 41 years, Mike faithfully pastored Horizon Christian Fellowship in San Diego where his son, Phillip, has now transitioned into that role. This new season of ministry is providing Mike more opportunity to travel and equip the church worldwide, as well as reaching those who are hurting and lost.

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The Balanced Word



Dave is the Senior Pastor at Calvary Chapel Pacific Hills. He has served in this capacity for over 15 years. Prior to that he was an assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa for 25 years. Dave has been married to Anne for over 30 years and they have two grown sons, William (who is married to Brittany) and Danny (who is married to Lauren.) In addition to this, Dave has two grandchildren (Sadie and Brandon).  Dave loves teaching the word of God, riding his Harley, and watching mixed martial arts.

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The Word For Today



Pastor Chuck had been the pastor of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa for almost 50 years and in Christian ministry for some 65 years. He was 86 years old when he entered Glory. His impact on the Christian Church in the 20th century was like few others. Directly and indirectly: Thousands and thousands of churches have been planted all over the world as the fruit of his work Tens of thousands of pastors – both in the Calvary Chapel movement and far, far beyond – have been influenced and trained by him Millions of people came to a saving trust in and relationship with Jesus Christ, and millions more were led to Christian maturity through his Bible teaching and broader ministry The worship environment of the contemporary Christianity was essentially birthed through his ministry. His emphasis on the verse-by-verse exposition of the Bible as the center of the teaching and preaching ministry of the church has had a vast influence.

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Strengthened by Grace



Strengthened By Grace, focuses on systematically teaching God's word. Pastor Abraham Moreno's desire it to help others build their lives on the foundation of God's Word, because there is no greater foundation. "Once I gained a deeper understanding of God’s redeeming Grace, my fears were gone, my doubts were gone, my efforts to serve Him stopped being requirements for salvation and my service to God became, joy filled and love driven. It was truly like the writer of Hebrews said in Hebrews 13:9 “Your strength comes from God’s grace, not from rules…” Each radio program is taken from his weekly teaching at Calvary Chapel McAllen Metro.

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Larger Then Life



Pastor Ron Hindt is the senior pastor at Calvary Houston. Born and raised in southern California, he spent several years as a rock musician in the Hollywood/LA area. In 1980, Pastor Ron joined Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa under Pastor Chuck Smith. He later served as an assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel Pacific Hills, California for several years. Pastor Ron moved to Houston and founded Calvary Houston in 1991. What started as a small home fellowship, focused on contemporary worship and expositional teaching of the Bible, now serves thousands of people each week. The vision of Calvary Houston is to Worship the Lord, Win the Lost, Disciple the Saints, and Send the Equipped. He and his wife, Yani, have a blended family with three grown children, two adopted children together, and two grandchildren.

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Demian Kyle committed his life to the Lord in 1980 at Calvary Chapel Napa California at the age of 25. He had previously been employed as a cable splicer with the phone company. His family moved from Napa to Modesto in June of 1985 to plant a Calvary Chapel with the blessing of their home church.

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Enduring Word



Enduring Word exists to promote the work of Christian discipleship and evangelism worldwide, mainly through the publication and dissemination of the Bible teaching work of David Guzik and likeminded people. When David Guzik was a young pastor in Simi Valley, California, he (among many other pastors) was asked to send his teaching notes to the developers of a new internet Bible research site: Blue Letter Bible. In the late 1990’s, David’s material first appeared on the Blue Letter Bible, and was found to be a valuable resource. David’s Bible resources – both in text and through audio and video – are used by many thousands of people every day. Many pastors, Bible teachers, and everyday Christians find these materials helpful. It’s important to us at Enduring Word to keep access to our resources free. Books are available for purchase, and David’s content is also available on Bible study software platforms such as Logos and Mantis. Yet, the core materials are used all over the world without charge. Complete the form on the left to receive regular updates about our work at Enduring Word.

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On The Level



Pancho continues to share his straight-ahead, straight-up style of teaching. While he is still going through the divine refinement process, and lacking polished public-speaking abilities, he nevertheless will not shy away from these impediments, and will exploit any opportunity given to share the message of Christ any place, anywhere. He strongly believes that Jesus Christ is the only answer and hope for this dying world.

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Pastor’s Perspective



A one hour program that gives a Biblical and pastoral viewpoint on the theological, social and practical issues of the day.

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The Searchlight Radio Programs feature Pastor Jon Courson's Thru-the-Bible teachings. Because the original full length teachings are longer than the 30 minute radio show, the teachings are usually aired over two or three days. Below are the most recent radio programs. You have the option here of listening to just a single day's Searchlight Radio Program or the full length teachings.

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Truth For Life



In our culture, retirement is often seen as a chance to relax and step away from responsibility. On Truth For Life, Alistair Begg presents a different perspective as he challenges us to plan for a lifetime of devoted service to God.

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Riverview Radio



Ed has been serving in pastoral ministry since 2003 and began Riverview Calvary Chapel on September 2015. Before that, he had the privilege of serving on the west side of San Antonio, TX, and as a missionary in Reynosa, Mexico. Ed is also the founding pastor of Calvary Chapel McAllen Metro in McAllen, TX and Lifeline Calvary Chapel in Irving, TX. Pastor Ed desires that the congregation love Jesus Christ, His Word, His people, and have the heart to reach those who do not know Him yet.

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Strengthened by Grace



Strengthened By Grace, focuses on systematically teaching God's word. Pastor Abraham Moreno's desire it to help others build their lives on the foundation of God's Word, because there is no greater foundation. "Once I gained a deeper understanding of God’s redeeming Grace, my fears were gone, my doubts were gone, my efforts to serve Him stopped being requirements for salvation and my service to God became, joy filled and love driven. It was truly like the writer of Hebrews said in Hebrews 13:9 “Your strength comes from God’s grace, not from rules…” Each radio program is taken from his weekly teaching at Calvary Chapel McAllen Metro.

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Enduring Word



Enduring Word exists to promote the work of Christian discipleship and evangelism worldwide, mainly through the publication and dissemination of the Bible teaching work of David Guzik and likeminded people. When David Guzik was a young pastor in Simi Valley, California, he (among many other pastors) was asked to send his teaching notes to the developers of a new internet Bible research site: Blue Letter Bible. In the late 1990’s, David’s material first appeared on the Blue Letter Bible, and was found to be a valuable resource. David’s Bible resources – both in text and through audio and video – are used by many thousands of people every day. Many pastors, Bible teachers, and everyday Christians find these materials helpful. It’s important to us at Enduring Word to keep access to our resources free. Books are available for purchase, and David’s content is also available on Bible study software platforms such as Logos and Mantis. Yet, the core materials are used all over the world without charge. Complete the form on the left to receive regular updates about our work at Enduring Word.

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Shelter From The Storm



Raised in a Christian home in Southern California with five siblings, Pastor Rod attended church throughout his upbringing. After some time away from God through college and flirting with a professional surfing career he recommitted himself to God then met and married his wife Noreen in 1990. After traveling and working in the surf industry then later as a school teacher, he was asked to serve as a youth minister and assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel of Chino Valley, California (a church of more than 8,000 members today). He served with CCCV over 4 years, but felt called to go out and serve in mission work or church planting. In the fall of 1995, Rod and Noreen Carver began praying about where the Lord might lead them. By December of 1995 the possibilities had narrowed and their prayers began to focus on Corpus Christi. As a college student when Rod struggled with his faith, he became involved with drugs and the surfing culture of the times. God’s pull on his life never let up. Rod rededicated his life to the Lord at a surf contest on North Padre Island. Eight years had passed without a thought of returning but when push came to shove, God wanted Rod and Noreen in Corpus Christi. A visit in the summer of 1996 confirmed that God would move them to South Texas. In October of 1997 Rod, Noreen and their two daughters moved to Texas to begin “Coastlands Bible Study”. By January 1998, Calvary Chapel Coastlands started meeting as an incorporated church. The fellowship continues to grow. In December 2004 Calvary Chapel Coastlands moved to the current location on Rodd Field Road and Saratoga.

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Robert Bigouette, is the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel San Angelo, He grew up in North Carolina being raised by movies and TV and understands todays fascination with technology. From a young age, entertainment was his god and he loved it. After he gave his life to the Lord in 1992 this all changed. He served on church staff at Calvary Houston from 2003 to 2013 when called as pastor to Calvary San Angelo. He loves his family, especially his wife, Liz Bigouette, their church and the Word of God.  

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Living Waters



Pastor Steve Johnson, after being under great conviction of the Holy Spirit, was literally brought to his knees in a field and was filled with the Holy Spirit in 1975. Married to Terri in 1977, they later moved to Phoenix, where Steve became acquainted with the Bible teachings of Pastor Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa. As an Arizona salesman, he spent many hours in the car listening to radio, and soon began to schedule his day around the verse-by-verse Bible teachings. When North Phoenix Calvary Chapel began as a home fellowship, Steve and his wife Terri found a spiritual home. Five years later, in 1984, they were sent to Omaha to establish a new work. Beginning with a tape lending library and a rented room for Bible studies, the initial small group grew to become Calvary Chapel of Omaha. Later, the congregation moved to Bellevue and has taken the name Maranatha Fellowship.

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Strengthened by Grace Radio Live, is a Weekly Radio show and podcast where we witness God's salvation, purpose, and call in the lives of those who receive God's gift of salvation. You'll be hearing from Pastors, worship leaders, and all saints, who will share their story of Grace, how God called them from darkness to light, from death to life. We trust in the Lord's power to encourage you to put your faith in Christ for salvation, and more, answer His call upon your life. Join us every weekend. You can watch it or listen to it on-demand, follow the links below. Video: Podcast:

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Chapter and Verse



For 41 years, Mike faithfully pastored Horizon Christian Fellowship in San Diego where his son, Phillip, has now transitioned into that role. This new season of ministry is providing Mike more opportunity to travel and equip the church worldwide, as well as reaching those who are hurting and lost.

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A Sure Foundation



A Sure Foundation is the radio ministry of Pastor David Rosales and Calvary Chapel Chino Valley. Pastor David can be heard weekdays on radio stations around the United States teaching the Bible in a verse-by-verse style. Previous teachings are archived below so you can listen on demand.

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The Word For Today

12:00amMonday - Thursday

Current show

12:00amMonday - Thursday

Pastor Chuck had been the pastor of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa for almost 50 years and in Christian ministry for some 65 years. He was 86 years old when he entered Glory. His impact on the Christian Church in the 20th century was like few others. Directly and indirectly: Thousands and thousands of churches have been planted all over the world as the fruit of his work Tens of thousands of pastors – both in the Calvary Chapel movement and far, far beyond – have been influenced and trained by him Millions of people came to a saving trust in and relationship with Jesus Christ, and millions more were led to Christian maturity through his Bible teaching and broader ministry The worship environment of the contemporary Christianity was essentially birthed through his ministry. His emphasis on the verse-by-verse exposition of the Bible as the center of the teaching and preaching ministry of the church has had a vast influence.

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A Sure Foundation

12:30amMonday - Thursday

12:30amMonday - Thursday

A Sure Foundation is the radio ministry of Pastor David Rosales and Calvary Chapel Chino Valley. Pastor David can be heard weekdays on radio stations around the United States teaching the Bible in a verse-by-verse style. Previous teachings are archived below so you can listen on demand.

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Chapter by Chapter

1:00amMonday - Thursday

1:00amMonday - Thursday

Sandy Adams is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Stone Mountain in Atlanta, Georgia. The church started in 1980 with Sandy, his wife Kathy, and five single adults. Over the years the Lord has blessed Calvary Chapel with solid and steady growth. God has used the church and Pastor Sandy to disciple believers in Jesus, and spread His love and truth around the world. Sandy’s call from God is to bring the changeless Gospel to a changing world. He communicates with humor, and his Bible teaching is laced with practical application. His timely insights help convey the timeless truths of God’s Word. Pastor Sandy’s messages are easily accessible on his website,, and he is a frequent conference speaker. Sandy is a native of Atlanta. He and his wife, Kathy, are the parents of four children: Zach, Natalie, Nick, and Mack. Sandy is also an avid sports fan. Sandy graduated from Georgia State University. He also attended Calvary Chapel Bible College. He has authored seven books: Welcome to the Family of God, Chapter By Chapter, Christmas through the Eyes, Family Matters, Kid Gloves, The Drama of Christmas, and the internet Bible Commentary, Bible Scan.

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The Balanced Word

1:30amMonday - Thursday

1:30amMonday - Thursday

Dave is the Senior Pastor at Calvary Chapel Pacific Hills. He has served in this capacity for over 15 years. Prior to that he was an assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa for 25 years. Dave has been married to Anne for over 30 years and they have two grown sons, William (who is married to Brittany) and Danny (who is married to Lauren.) In addition to this, Dave has two grandchildren (Sadie and Brandon).  Dave loves teaching the word of God, riding his Harley, and watching mixed martial arts.

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Larger Then Life

2:00amMonday - Thursday

2:00amMonday - Thursday

Pastor Ron Hindt is the senior pastor at Calvary Houston. Born and raised in southern California, he spent several years as a rock musician in the Hollywood/LA area. In 1980, Pastor Ron joined Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa under Pastor Chuck Smith. He later served as an assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel Pacific Hills, California for several years. Pastor Ron moved to Houston and founded Calvary Houston in 1991. What started as a small home fellowship, focused on contemporary worship and expositional teaching of the Bible, now serves thousands of people each week. The vision of Calvary Houston is to Worship the Lord, Win the Lost, Disciple the Saints, and Send the Equipped. He and his wife, Yani, have a blended family with three grown children, two adopted children together, and two grandchildren.

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According To The Scriptures

2:30amMonday - Thursday

2:30amMonday - Thursday

Demian Kyle committed his life to the Lord in 1980 at Calvary Chapel Napa California at the age of 25. He had previously been employed as a cable splicer with the phone company. His family moved from Napa to Modesto in June of 1985 to plant a Calvary Chapel with the blessing of their home church.

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Truth For Life

3:00amMonday - Thursday

3:00amMonday - Thursday

In our culture, retirement is often seen as a chance to relax and step away from responsibility. On Truth For Life, Alistair Begg presents a different perspective as he challenges us to plan for a lifetime of devoted service to God.

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On The Level

3:30amMonday - Thursday

3:30amMonday - Thursday

Pancho continues to share his straight-ahead, straight-up style of teaching. While he is still going through the divine refinement process, and lacking polished public-speaking abilities, he nevertheless will not shy away from these impediments, and will exploit any opportunity given to share the message of Christ any place, anywhere. He strongly believes that Jesus Christ is the only answer and hope for this dying world.

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A New Beginning

4:00amMonday - Thursday

4:00amMonday - Thursday

Greg Laurie is the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship with campuses in California and Hawaii. He began his pastoral ministry at the age of 19 by leading a Bible study of 30 people. Since then, God has transformed that small group into a church of some 15,000 people. Today, Harvest is one of the largest churches in America, and consistently ranks among the most influential churches in the country.

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Chapter and Verse

4:30amMonday - Thursday

4:30amMonday - Thursday

For 41 years, Mike faithfully pastored Horizon Christian Fellowship in San Diego where his son, Phillip, has now transitioned into that role. This new season of ministry is providing Mike more opportunity to travel and equip the church worldwide, as well as reaching those who are hurting and lost.

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Somebody Loves you

5:00amMonday - Thursday

5:00amMonday - Thursday

Through Somebody Loves You Ministries, Ries is on the radio nation wide on over 350 stations and in New Zealand and travels across the country and internationally with the Somebody Loves You Crusades, seeking new avenues to reach the people where they live. Along with these international outreaches, he heads up his missions ministry, so send I you. Ries travels to South America, Europe, India, Japan and other countries to participate in and organize Pastor Conferences. The great commission that was given to the apostles is always at the forefront of Ries’ mind, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8.

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Gracious Words

5:30amMonday - Thursday

5:30amMonday - Thursday

Cheryl was born the youngest daughter of Pastor Chuck and Kay Smith. At a young age, her father instilled in her a love for biblical truth. But according to Cheryl, her mother was the person who infused her with a passion and enthusiasm for the promises and exhortations of Scripture. Although Cheryl grew up in a godly home, she experienced a two-year crisis of faith her senior year of high school and first year of college. Introduced to intellectualism and stumbled by an emotional upheaval, she almost surrendered her faith. “I remember being alone in my room and literally contemplating resigning myself from the Christian faith. … Suddenly, I felt a presence enter the room.” Cheryl describes this as the time Jesus presented Himself to her and asked, “What will YOU do with Me?” That day, Cheryl made a full surrender of her life to Jesus Christ.

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Pleasing God

6:00amMonday - Thursday

6:00amMonday - Thursday

Kay Smith is the mother of four, and the wife of Chuck Smith Pastor of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Ca. In the 1970s Kay started and led the Joyful Life women's ministry for years. Kay is also an author and you can view her books by clicking here. I first met Kay in 1974 when I accepted Jesus as my Savior, Kay did not know the tremendous effect she had on my life. Her gentle and loving spirit was so apparent to me, I felt I could sit for hours listening to Kay talk about her love for Jesus. My special times with her were spent in Lake Arrowhead at the women's retreats. Kay patiently listened to my personal experiences then shared what word the Lord had given her on what issues I had told her about. Now you can listen to these teachings from Kay and be as blessed as I was and still am.

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The Word For Today

6:30amMonday - Thursday

6:30amMonday - Thursday

Pastor Chuck had been the pastor of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa for almost 50 years and in Christian ministry for some 65 years. He was 86 years old when he entered Glory. His impact on the Christian Church in the 20th century was like few others. Directly and indirectly: Thousands and thousands of churches have been planted all over the world as the fruit of his work Tens of thousands of pastors – both in the Calvary Chapel movement and far, far beyond – have been influenced and trained by him Millions of people came to a saving trust in and relationship with Jesus Christ, and millions more were led to Christian maturity through his Bible teaching and broader ministry The worship environment of the contemporary Christianity was essentially birthed through his ministry. His emphasis on the verse-by-verse exposition of the Bible as the center of the teaching and preaching ministry of the church has had a vast influence.

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Living in Christ Ministries

7:00amMonday - Thursday

7:00amMonday - Thursday

Pastor Bob Hoekstra was the founder and Director of Living in Christ Ministries. He had been in ministry since 1967, including fourteen years in Dallas, TX and eleven years as Pastor of Calvary Chapel of Irvine, CA. He and his wife, Dini, were married in 1966, and have three adult children and thirteen grandchildren. Bob graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1973 with the Master of Theology degree. Bob’s involvement with the Calvary Chapels began in 1971, when he and his wife Dini visited Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa on a Sunday evening. They were deeply touched by the life-giving teaching of the word of God, the simple worship “in Spirit and in truth”, and the profound expressions of the love of the Lord among the saints. Upon returning to Dallas, they regularly obtained Pastor Chuck Smith’s teaching tapes and eventually became daily listeners of the Word for Today on the radio. Since 1993, Bob had been teaching at Calvary Chapel and other church fellowships across the country and overseas (including, Seminars, Pastors’ Conferences, Church Services, Leadership Conferences, Retreats, and Schools of Evangelism/Ministry). He has taught numerous classes at Calvary Chapel Bible College (both at its former location in Twin Peaks, CA and its current location in Murrieta Hot Springs, CA) as well as at the extension campuses of Costa Mesa, Vista, San Diego, El Cajon, and others. Bob’s teaching generally highlights such subjects as Counseling God’s Way, Family God’s Way, Growing in the Grace of God, The Church: How Jesus Builds It, Contending for the Faith, Promise Believers, The Sufficiency of Christ and His Word, The Psychologizing of the Faith, and related themes. The Living in Christ Radio Program featuring these studies is heard on radio stations across America as well as on-demand through our website and on

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Riverview Radio

7:30amMonday - Thursday

7:30amMonday - Thursday

Ed has been serving in pastoral ministry since 2003 and began Riverview Calvary Chapel on September 2015. Before that, he had the privilege of serving on the west side of San Antonio, TX, and as a missionary in Reynosa, Mexico. Ed is also the founding pastor of Calvary Chapel McAllen Metro in McAllen, TX and Lifeline Calvary Chapel in Irving, TX. Pastor Ed desires that the congregation love Jesus Christ, His Word, His people, and have the heart to reach those who do not know Him yet.

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8:00amMonday - Thursday

8:00amMonday - Thursday

The Searchlight Radio Programs feature Pastor Jon Courson's Thru-the-Bible teachings. Because the original full length teachings are longer than the 30 minute radio show, the teachings are usually aired over two or three days. Below are the most recent radio programs. You have the option here of listening to just a single day's Searchlight Radio Program or the full length teachings.

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Chapter and Verse

8:30amMonday - Thursday

8:30amMonday - Thursday

For 41 years, Mike faithfully pastored Horizon Christian Fellowship in San Diego where his son, Phillip, has now transitioned into that role. This new season of ministry is providing Mike more opportunity to travel and equip the church worldwide, as well as reaching those who are hurting and lost.

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Strengthened by Grace

9:00amMonday - Thursday

9:00amMonday - Thursday

Strengthened By Grace, focuses on systematically teaching God's word. Pastor Abraham Moreno's desire it to help others build their lives on the foundation of God's Word, because there is no greater foundation. "Once I gained a deeper understanding of God’s redeeming Grace, my fears were gone, my doubts were gone, my efforts to serve Him stopped being requirements for salvation and my service to God became, joy filled and love driven. It was truly like the writer of Hebrews said in Hebrews 13:9 “Your strength comes from God’s grace, not from rules…” Each radio program is taken from his weekly teaching at Calvary Chapel McAllen Metro.

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A New Beginning

9:30amMonday - Thursday

9:30amMonday - Thursday

Greg Laurie is the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship with campuses in California and Hawaii. He began his pastoral ministry at the age of 19 by leading a Bible study of 30 people. Since then, God has transformed that small group into a church of some 15,000 people. Today, Harvest is one of the largest churches in America, and consistently ranks among the most influential churches in the country.

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Living Waters

10:00amMonday - Thursday

10:00amMonday - Thursday

Pastor Steve Johnson, after being under great conviction of the Holy Spirit, was literally brought to his knees in a field and was filled with the Holy Spirit in 1975. Married to Terri in 1977, they later moved to Phoenix, where Steve became acquainted with the Bible teachings of Pastor Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa. As an Arizona salesman, he spent many hours in the car listening to radio, and soon began to schedule his day around the verse-by-verse Bible teachings. When North Phoenix Calvary Chapel began as a home fellowship, Steve and his wife Terri found a spiritual home. Five years later, in 1984, they were sent to Omaha to establish a new work. Beginning with a tape lending library and a rented room for Bible studies, the initial small group grew to become Calvary Chapel of Omaha. Later, the congregation moved to Bellevue and has taken the name Maranatha Fellowship.

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Gracious Words

10:30amMonday - Thursday

10:30amMonday - Thursday

Cheryl was born the youngest daughter of Pastor Chuck and Kay Smith. At a young age, her father instilled in her a love for biblical truth. But according to Cheryl, her mother was the person who infused her with a passion and enthusiasm for the promises and exhortations of Scripture. Although Cheryl grew up in a godly home, she experienced a two-year crisis of faith her senior year of high school and first year of college. Introduced to intellectualism and stumbled by an emotional upheaval, she almost surrendered her faith. “I remember being alone in my room and literally contemplating resigning myself from the Christian faith. … Suddenly, I felt a presence enter the room.” Cheryl describes this as the time Jesus presented Himself to her and asked, “What will YOU do with Me?” That day, Cheryl made a full surrender of her life to Jesus Christ.

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A Sure Foundation

11:00amMonday - Thursday

11:00amMonday - Thursday

A Sure Foundation is the radio ministry of Pastor David Rosales and Calvary Chapel Chino Valley. Pastor David can be heard weekdays on radio stations around the United States teaching the Bible in a verse-by-verse style. Previous teachings are archived below so you can listen on demand.

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Shelter From The Storm

11:30amMonday - Thursday

11:30amMonday - Thursday

Raised in a Christian home in Southern California with five siblings, Pastor Rod attended church throughout his upbringing. After some time away from God through college and flirting with a professional surfing career he recommitted himself to God then met and married his wife Noreen in 1990. After traveling and working in the surf industry then later as a school teacher, he was asked to serve as a youth minister and assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel of Chino Valley, California (a church of more than 8,000 members today). He served with CCCV over 4 years, but felt called to go out and serve in mission work or church planting. In the fall of 1995, Rod and Noreen Carver began praying about where the Lord might lead them. By December of 1995 the possibilities had narrowed and their prayers began to focus on Corpus Christi. As a college student when Rod struggled with his faith, he became involved with drugs and the surfing culture of the times. God’s pull on his life never let up. Rod rededicated his life to the Lord at a surf contest on North Padre Island. Eight years had passed without a thought of returning but when push came to shove, God wanted Rod and Noreen in Corpus Christi. A visit in the summer of 1996 confirmed that God would move them to South Texas. In October of 1997 Rod, Noreen and their two daughters moved to Texas to begin “Coastlands Bible Study”. By January 1998, Calvary Chapel Coastlands started meeting as an incorporated church. The fellowship continues to grow. In December 2004 Calvary Chapel Coastlands moved to the current location on Rodd Field Road and Saratoga.

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Chapter by Chapter

12:00pmMonday - Thursday

12:00pmMonday - Thursday

Sandy Adams is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Stone Mountain in Atlanta, Georgia. The church started in 1980 with Sandy, his wife Kathy, and five single adults. Over the years the Lord has blessed Calvary Chapel with solid and steady growth. God has used the church and Pastor Sandy to disciple believers in Jesus, and spread His love and truth around the world. Sandy’s call from God is to bring the changeless Gospel to a changing world. He communicates with humor, and his Bible teaching is laced with practical application. His timely insights help convey the timeless truths of God’s Word. Pastor Sandy’s messages are easily accessible on his website,, and he is a frequent conference speaker. Sandy is a native of Atlanta. He and his wife, Kathy, are the parents of four children: Zach, Natalie, Nick, and Mack. Sandy is also an avid sports fan. Sandy graduated from Georgia State University. He also attended Calvary Chapel Bible College. He has authored seven books: Welcome to the Family of God, Chapter By Chapter, Christmas through the Eyes, Family Matters, Kid Gloves, The Drama of Christmas, and the internet Bible Commentary, Bible Scan.

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The Balanced Word

12:30pmMonday - Thursday

12:30pmMonday - Thursday

Dave is the Senior Pastor at Calvary Chapel Pacific Hills. He has served in this capacity for over 15 years. Prior to that he was an assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa for 25 years. Dave has been married to Anne for over 30 years and they have two grown sons, William (who is married to Brittany) and Danny (who is married to Lauren.) In addition to this, Dave has two grandchildren (Sadie and Brandon).  Dave loves teaching the word of God, riding his Harley, and watching mixed martial arts.

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The Word For Today

1:00pmMonday - Thursday

1:00pmMonday - Thursday

Pastor Chuck had been the pastor of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa for almost 50 years and in Christian ministry for some 65 years. He was 86 years old when he entered Glory. His impact on the Christian Church in the 20th century was like few others. Directly and indirectly: Thousands and thousands of churches have been planted all over the world as the fruit of his work Tens of thousands of pastors – both in the Calvary Chapel movement and far, far beyond – have been influenced and trained by him Millions of people came to a saving trust in and relationship with Jesus Christ, and millions more were led to Christian maturity through his Bible teaching and broader ministry The worship environment of the contemporary Christianity was essentially birthed through his ministry. His emphasis on the verse-by-verse exposition of the Bible as the center of the teaching and preaching ministry of the church has had a vast influence.

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Strengthened by Grace

1:30pmMonday - Thursday

1:30pmMonday - Thursday

Strengthened By Grace, focuses on systematically teaching God's word. Pastor Abraham Moreno's desire it to help others build their lives on the foundation of God's Word, because there is no greater foundation. "Once I gained a deeper understanding of God’s redeeming Grace, my fears were gone, my doubts were gone, my efforts to serve Him stopped being requirements for salvation and my service to God became, joy filled and love driven. It was truly like the writer of Hebrews said in Hebrews 13:9 “Your strength comes from God’s grace, not from rules…” Each radio program is taken from his weekly teaching at Calvary Chapel McAllen Metro.

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Larger Then Life

2:00pmMonday - Thursday

2:00pmMonday - Thursday

Pastor Ron Hindt is the senior pastor at Calvary Houston. Born and raised in southern California, he spent several years as a rock musician in the Hollywood/LA area. In 1980, Pastor Ron joined Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa under Pastor Chuck Smith. He later served as an assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel Pacific Hills, California for several years. Pastor Ron moved to Houston and founded Calvary Houston in 1991. What started as a small home fellowship, focused on contemporary worship and expositional teaching of the Bible, now serves thousands of people each week. The vision of Calvary Houston is to Worship the Lord, Win the Lost, Disciple the Saints, and Send the Equipped. He and his wife, Yani, have a blended family with three grown children, two adopted children together, and two grandchildren.

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According To The Scriptures

2:30pmMonday - Thursday

2:30pmMonday - Thursday

Demian Kyle committed his life to the Lord in 1980 at Calvary Chapel Napa California at the age of 25. He had previously been employed as a cable splicer with the phone company. His family moved from Napa to Modesto in June of 1985 to plant a Calvary Chapel with the blessing of their home church.

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Enduring Word

3:00pmMonday - Thursday

3:00pmMonday - Thursday

Enduring Word exists to promote the work of Christian discipleship and evangelism worldwide, mainly through the publication and dissemination of the Bible teaching work of David Guzik and likeminded people. When David Guzik was a young pastor in Simi Valley, California, he (among many other pastors) was asked to send his teaching notes to the developers of a new internet Bible research site: Blue Letter Bible. In the late 1990’s, David’s material first appeared on the Blue Letter Bible, and was found to be a valuable resource. David’s Bible resources – both in text and through audio and video – are used by many thousands of people every day. Many pastors, Bible teachers, and everyday Christians find these materials helpful. It’s important to us at Enduring Word to keep access to our resources free. Books are available for purchase, and David’s content is also available on Bible study software platforms such as Logos and Mantis. Yet, the core materials are used all over the world without charge. Complete the form on the left to receive regular updates about our work at Enduring Word.

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On The Level

3:30pmMonday - Thursday

3:30pmMonday - Thursday

Pancho continues to share his straight-ahead, straight-up style of teaching. While he is still going through the divine refinement process, and lacking polished public-speaking abilities, he nevertheless will not shy away from these impediments, and will exploit any opportunity given to share the message of Christ any place, anywhere. He strongly believes that Jesus Christ is the only answer and hope for this dying world.

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The Word To Stand On Live!

4:00pmMonday - Thursday

4:00pmMonday - Thursday


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Pastor’s Perspective

5:00pmMonday - Thursday

5:00pmMonday - Thursday

A one hour program that gives a Biblical and pastoral viewpoint on the theological, social and practical issues of the day.

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6:00pmMonday - Thursday

6:00pmMonday - Thursday

The Searchlight Radio Programs feature Pastor Jon Courson's Thru-the-Bible teachings. Because the original full length teachings are longer than the 30 minute radio show, the teachings are usually aired over two or three days. Below are the most recent radio programs. You have the option here of listening to just a single day's Searchlight Radio Program or the full length teachings.

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Truth For Life

6:30pmMonday - Thursday

6:30pmMonday - Thursday

In our culture, retirement is often seen as a chance to relax and step away from responsibility. On Truth For Life, Alistair Begg presents a different perspective as he challenges us to plan for a lifetime of devoted service to God.

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Riverview Radio

7:00pmMonday - Thursday

7:00pmMonday - Thursday

Ed has been serving in pastoral ministry since 2003 and began Riverview Calvary Chapel on September 2015. Before that, he had the privilege of serving on the west side of San Antonio, TX, and as a missionary in Reynosa, Mexico. Ed is also the founding pastor of Calvary Chapel McAllen Metro in McAllen, TX and Lifeline Calvary Chapel in Irving, TX. Pastor Ed desires that the congregation love Jesus Christ, His Word, His people, and have the heart to reach those who do not know Him yet.

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Strengthened by Grace

7:30pmMonday - Thursday

7:30pmMonday - Thursday

Strengthened By Grace, focuses on systematically teaching God's word. Pastor Abraham Moreno's desire it to help others build their lives on the foundation of God's Word, because there is no greater foundation. "Once I gained a deeper understanding of God’s redeeming Grace, my fears were gone, my doubts were gone, my efforts to serve Him stopped being requirements for salvation and my service to God became, joy filled and love driven. It was truly like the writer of Hebrews said in Hebrews 13:9 “Your strength comes from God’s grace, not from rules…” Each radio program is taken from his weekly teaching at Calvary Chapel McAllen Metro.

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Enduring Word

8:00pmMonday - Thursday

8:00pmMonday - Thursday

Enduring Word exists to promote the work of Christian discipleship and evangelism worldwide, mainly through the publication and dissemination of the Bible teaching work of David Guzik and likeminded people. When David Guzik was a young pastor in Simi Valley, California, he (among many other pastors) was asked to send his teaching notes to the developers of a new internet Bible research site: Blue Letter Bible. In the late 1990’s, David’s material first appeared on the Blue Letter Bible, and was found to be a valuable resource. David’s Bible resources – both in text and through audio and video – are used by many thousands of people every day. Many pastors, Bible teachers, and everyday Christians find these materials helpful. It’s important to us at Enduring Word to keep access to our resources free. Books are available for purchase, and David’s content is also available on Bible study software platforms such as Logos and Mantis. Yet, the core materials are used all over the world without charge. Complete the form on the left to receive regular updates about our work at Enduring Word.

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Shelter From The Storm

8:30pmMonday - Thursday

8:30pmMonday - Thursday

Raised in a Christian home in Southern California with five siblings, Pastor Rod attended church throughout his upbringing. After some time away from God through college and flirting with a professional surfing career he recommitted himself to God then met and married his wife Noreen in 1990. After traveling and working in the surf industry then later as a school teacher, he was asked to serve as a youth minister and assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel of Chino Valley, California (a church of more than 8,000 members today). He served with CCCV over 4 years, but felt called to go out and serve in mission work or church planting. In the fall of 1995, Rod and Noreen Carver began praying about where the Lord might lead them. By December of 1995 the possibilities had narrowed and their prayers began to focus on Corpus Christi. As a college student when Rod struggled with his faith, he became involved with drugs and the surfing culture of the times. God’s pull on his life never let up. Rod rededicated his life to the Lord at a surf contest on North Padre Island. Eight years had passed without a thought of returning but when push came to shove, God wanted Rod and Noreen in Corpus Christi. A visit in the summer of 1996 confirmed that God would move them to South Texas. In October of 1997 Rod, Noreen and their two daughters moved to Texas to begin “Coastlands Bible Study”. By January 1998, Calvary Chapel Coastlands started meeting as an incorporated church. The fellowship continues to grow. In December 2004 Calvary Chapel Coastlands moved to the current location on Rodd Field Road and Saratoga.

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9:00pmMonday - Thursday

9:00pmMonday - Thursday

Robert Bigouette, is the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel San Angelo, He grew up in North Carolina being raised by movies and TV and understands todays fascination with technology. From a young age, entertainment was his god and he loved it. After he gave his life to the Lord in 1992 this all changed. He served on church staff at Calvary Houston from 2003 to 2013 when called as pastor to Calvary San Angelo. He loves his family, especially his wife, Liz Bigouette, their church and the Word of God.  

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Living Waters

9:30pmMonday - Thursday

9:30pmMonday - Thursday

Pastor Steve Johnson, after being under great conviction of the Holy Spirit, was literally brought to his knees in a field and was filled with the Holy Spirit in 1975. Married to Terri in 1977, they later moved to Phoenix, where Steve became acquainted with the Bible teachings of Pastor Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa. As an Arizona salesman, he spent many hours in the car listening to radio, and soon began to schedule his day around the verse-by-verse Bible teachings. When North Phoenix Calvary Chapel began as a home fellowship, Steve and his wife Terri found a spiritual home. Five years later, in 1984, they were sent to Omaha to establish a new work. Beginning with a tape lending library and a rented room for Bible studies, the initial small group grew to become Calvary Chapel of Omaha. Later, the congregation moved to Bellevue and has taken the name Maranatha Fellowship.

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Chapter by Chapter

10:00pmMonday - Thursday

10:00pmMonday - Thursday

Sandy Adams is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Stone Mountain in Atlanta, Georgia. The church started in 1980 with Sandy, his wife Kathy, and five single adults. Over the years the Lord has blessed Calvary Chapel with solid and steady growth. God has used the church and Pastor Sandy to disciple believers in Jesus, and spread His love and truth around the world. Sandy’s call from God is to bring the changeless Gospel to a changing world. He communicates with humor, and his Bible teaching is laced with practical application. His timely insights help convey the timeless truths of God’s Word. Pastor Sandy’s messages are easily accessible on his website,, and he is a frequent conference speaker. Sandy is a native of Atlanta. He and his wife, Kathy, are the parents of four children: Zach, Natalie, Nick, and Mack. Sandy is also an avid sports fan. Sandy graduated from Georgia State University. He also attended Calvary Chapel Bible College. He has authored seven books: Welcome to the Family of God, Chapter By Chapter, Christmas through the Eyes, Family Matters, Kid Gloves, The Drama of Christmas, and the internet Bible Commentary, Bible Scan.

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Strengthened by Grace

10:30pmMonday - Thursday

10:30pmMonday - Thursday

Strengthened By Grace, focuses on systematically teaching God's word. Pastor Abraham Moreno's desire it to help others build their lives on the foundation of God's Word, because there is no greater foundation. "Once I gained a deeper understanding of God’s redeeming Grace, my fears were gone, my doubts were gone, my efforts to serve Him stopped being requirements for salvation and my service to God became, joy filled and love driven. It was truly like the writer of Hebrews said in Hebrews 13:9 “Your strength comes from God’s grace, not from rules…” Each radio program is taken from his weekly teaching at Calvary Chapel McAllen Metro.

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Chapter and Verse

11:00pmMonday - Thursday

11:00pmMonday - Thursday

For 41 years, Mike faithfully pastored Horizon Christian Fellowship in San Diego where his son, Phillip, has now transitioned into that role. This new season of ministry is providing Mike more opportunity to travel and equip the church worldwide, as well as reaching those who are hurting and lost.

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A Sure Foundation

11:30pmMonday - Thursday

11:30pmMonday - Thursday

A Sure Foundation is the radio ministry of Pastor David Rosales and Calvary Chapel Chino Valley. Pastor David can be heard weekdays on radio stations around the United States teaching the Bible in a verse-by-verse style. Previous teachings are archived below so you can listen on demand.

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The Word For Today



Pastor Chuck had been the pastor of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa for almost 50 years and in Christian ministry for some 65 years. He was 86 years old when he entered Glory. His impact on the Christian Church in the 20th century was like few others. Directly and indirectly: Thousands and thousands of churches have been planted all over the world as the fruit of his work Tens of thousands of pastors – both in the Calvary Chapel movement and far, far beyond – have been influenced and trained by him Millions of people came to a saving trust in and relationship with Jesus Christ, and millions more were led to Christian maturity through his Bible teaching and broader ministry The worship environment of the contemporary Christianity was essentially birthed through his ministry. His emphasis on the verse-by-verse exposition of the Bible as the center of the teaching and preaching ministry of the church has had a vast influence.

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Boldly Speaking



Boldly Speaking Radio is the radio outreach ministry of Calvary Chapel Myrtle Beach. The Boldly Speaking Radio program features the unashamed verse-by-verse teaching of Pastor Ron Dozler, the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Myrtle Beach.

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Live With Ryan Ries



Ryan Ries is co-founder of The Whosoevers Movement, a non-profit organization that empowers students at public schools around the world to make positive choices no matter the circumstances. Ryan also teaches a weekly study at Calvary Chapel Golden Springs which can also be heard on KWVE 107.9 FM. He is the host of a live radio talk show, The Ryan Ries Show, which is heard nationwide every Saturday night. Ryan’s hope is to inspire people to stand together and make a difference.

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Strengthened by Grace Radio Live, is a Weekly Radio show and podcast where we witness God's salvation, purpose, and call in the lives of those who receive God's gift of salvation. You'll be hearing from Pastors, worship leaders, and all saints, who will share their story of Grace, how God called them from darkness to light, from death to life. We trust in the Lord's power to encourage you to put your faith in Christ for salvation, and more, answer His call upon your life. Join us every weekend. You can watch it or listen to it on-demand, follow the links below. Video: Podcast:

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H2O Radio



H2O Radio is the radio teaching ministry of Pastor Mike Morris. It is our goal to teach God’s Word in a real and practical way as we go in depth, verse by verse, book by book through The Bible. H2O Radio is broadcast weekly on terrestrial airwaves across the High Desert as well as many other areas in California and 3 other states as well as worldwide through online streaming.

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Surfing The Word



Pastor Steve is a passionate teacher of the word of God, leader in community efforts, and a diligent servant of the people of Kauai. He came to Kauai in the 70's in pursuit of surf and "paradise". He got saved in 1987 and has been serving in the church ever since. He began as a worship leader and eventually became a pastor in 2002. On the side, Pastor Steve teaches Tae Kwon Do. Steve and his wife have five children and four grand children that all reside on Kauai.

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Building On Solid Rock



At Calvary Chapel Solid Rock we seek to build our lives on the solid rock of God's word the whole bible, verse by verse simply teaching the bible simply. We believe that a right relationship with Him is key to living the full and meaningful life that God intended.

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Knowing His word


Knowing His Word


Calvary Chapel Rock Hill began as a home fellowship in the living room of pastor Dennis with two other families. We are excited to see God answering our prayers in giving us the privilege to serve our community and minister the love of Jesus our Lord to the hurting, the lost, and those seeking encouragement. Knowing His Word is an extension of the work God is doing in our midst.

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Agape Radio



Jesus instructed Peter to feed His sheep.  It is Pastor Terry's heartfelt desire to do the same; to feed the Lord's sheep by declaring, "to you the whole counsel of God" (Acts 20:27) by teaching the entire Bible believing, "Faith comes from hearing and hearing the Word of God" (Romans 10:17).  And, above all else, to give God the glory for the great things He has done!

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A Sure Foundation



A Sure Foundation is the radio ministry of Pastor David Rosales and Calvary Chapel Chino Valley. Pastor David can be heard weekdays on radio stations around the United States teaching the Bible in a verse-by-verse style. Previous teachings are archived below so you can listen on demand.

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The Word For Today



Pastor Chuck had been the pastor of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa for almost 50 years and in Christian ministry for some 65 years. He was 86 years old when he entered Glory. His impact on the Christian Church in the 20th century was like few others. Directly and indirectly: Thousands and thousands of churches have been planted all over the world as the fruit of his work Tens of thousands of pastors – both in the Calvary Chapel movement and far, far beyond – have been influenced and trained by him Millions of people came to a saving trust in and relationship with Jesus Christ, and millions more were led to Christian maturity through his Bible teaching and broader ministry The worship environment of the contemporary Christianity was essentially birthed through his ministry. His emphasis on the verse-by-verse exposition of the Bible as the center of the teaching and preaching ministry of the church has had a vast influence.

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Boldly Speaking



Boldly Speaking Radio is the radio outreach ministry of Calvary Chapel Myrtle Beach. The Boldly Speaking Radio program features the unashamed verse-by-verse teaching of Pastor Ron Dozler, the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Myrtle Beach.

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Live With Ryan Ries



Ryan Ries is co-founder of The Whosoevers Movement, a non-profit organization that empowers students at public schools around the world to make positive choices no matter the circumstances. Ryan also teaches a weekly study at Calvary Chapel Golden Springs which can also be heard on KWVE 107.9 FM. He is the host of a live radio talk show, The Ryan Ries Show, which is heard nationwide every Saturday night. Ryan’s hope is to inspire people to stand together and make a difference.

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Strengthened by Grace Radio Live, is a Weekly Radio show and podcast where we witness God's salvation, purpose, and call in the lives of those who receive God's gift of salvation. You'll be hearing from Pastors, worship leaders, and all saints, who will share their story of Grace, how God called them from darkness to light, from death to life. We trust in the Lord's power to encourage you to put your faith in Christ for salvation, and more, answer His call upon your life. Join us every weekend. You can watch it or listen to it on-demand, follow the links below. Video: Podcast:

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H2O Radio



H2O Radio is the radio teaching ministry of Pastor Mike Morris. It is our goal to teach God’s Word in a real and practical way as we go in depth, verse by verse, book by book through The Bible. H2O Radio is broadcast weekly on terrestrial airwaves across the High Desert as well as many other areas in California and 3 other states as well as worldwide through online streaming.

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Surfing The Word



Pastor Steve is a passionate teacher of the word of God, leader in community efforts, and a diligent servant of the people of Kauai. He came to Kauai in the 70's in pursuit of surf and "paradise". He got saved in 1987 and has been serving in the church ever since. He began as a worship leader and eventually became a pastor in 2002. On the side, Pastor Steve teaches Tae Kwon Do. Steve and his wife have five children and four grand children that all reside on Kauai.

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Building On Solid Rock



At Calvary Chapel Solid Rock we seek to build our lives on the solid rock of God's word the whole bible, verse by verse simply teaching the bible simply. We believe that a right relationship with Him is key to living the full and meaningful life that God intended.

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Knowing His word


Knowing His Word


Calvary Chapel Rock Hill began as a home fellowship in the living room of pastor Dennis with two other families. We are excited to see God answering our prayers in giving us the privilege to serve our community and minister the love of Jesus our Lord to the hurting, the lost, and those seeking encouragement. Knowing His Word is an extension of the work God is doing in our midst.

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Agape Radio



Jesus instructed Peter to feed His sheep.  It is Pastor Terry's heartfelt desire to do the same; to feed the Lord's sheep by declaring, "to you the whole counsel of God" (Acts 20:27) by teaching the entire Bible believing, "Faith comes from hearing and hearing the Word of God" (Romans 10:17).  And, above all else, to give God the glory for the great things He has done!

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A Sure Foundation



A Sure Foundation is the radio ministry of Pastor David Rosales and Calvary Chapel Chino Valley. Pastor David can be heard weekdays on radio stations around the United States teaching the Bible in a verse-by-verse style. Previous teachings are archived below so you can listen on demand.

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The Word For Today



Pastor Chuck had been the pastor of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa for almost 50 years and in Christian ministry for some 65 years. He was 86 years old when he entered Glory. His impact on the Christian Church in the 20th century was like few others. Directly and indirectly: Thousands and thousands of churches have been planted all over the world as the fruit of his work Tens of thousands of pastors – both in the Calvary Chapel movement and far, far beyond – have been influenced and trained by him Millions of people came to a saving trust in and relationship with Jesus Christ, and millions more were led to Christian maturity through his Bible teaching and broader ministry The worship environment of the contemporary Christianity was essentially birthed through his ministry. His emphasis on the verse-by-verse exposition of the Bible as the center of the teaching and preaching ministry of the church has had a vast influence.

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Boldly Speaking



Boldly Speaking Radio is the radio outreach ministry of Calvary Chapel Myrtle Beach. The Boldly Speaking Radio program features the unashamed verse-by-verse teaching of Pastor Ron Dozler, the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Myrtle Beach.

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Live With Ryan Ries



Ryan Ries is co-founder of The Whosoevers Movement, a non-profit organization that empowers students at public schools around the world to make positive choices no matter the circumstances. Ryan also teaches a weekly study at Calvary Chapel Golden Springs which can also be heard on KWVE 107.9 FM. He is the host of a live radio talk show, The Ryan Ries Show, which is heard nationwide every Saturday night. Ryan’s hope is to inspire people to stand together and make a difference.

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Strengthened by Grace Radio Live, is a Weekly Radio show and podcast where we witness God's salvation, purpose, and call in the lives of those who receive God's gift of salvation. You'll be hearing from Pastors, worship leaders, and all saints, who will share their story of Grace, how God called them from darkness to light, from death to life. We trust in the Lord's power to encourage you to put your faith in Christ for salvation, and more, answer His call upon your life. Join us every weekend. You can watch it or listen to it on-demand, follow the links below. Video: Podcast:

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H2O Radio



H2O Radio is the radio teaching ministry of Pastor Mike Morris. It is our goal to teach God’s Word in a real and practical way as we go in depth, verse by verse, book by book through The Bible. H2O Radio is broadcast weekly on terrestrial airwaves across the High Desert as well as many other areas in California and 3 other states as well as worldwide through online streaming.

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Surfing The Word



Pastor Steve is a passionate teacher of the word of God, leader in community efforts, and a diligent servant of the people of Kauai. He came to Kauai in the 70's in pursuit of surf and "paradise". He got saved in 1987 and has been serving in the church ever since. He began as a worship leader and eventually became a pastor in 2002. On the side, Pastor Steve teaches Tae Kwon Do. Steve and his wife have five children and four grand children that all reside on Kauai.

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Building On Solid Rock



At Calvary Chapel Solid Rock we seek to build our lives on the solid rock of God's word the whole bible, verse by verse simply teaching the bible simply. We believe that a right relationship with Him is key to living the full and meaningful life that God intended.

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Knowing His word


Knowing His Word


Calvary Chapel Rock Hill began as a home fellowship in the living room of pastor Dennis with two other families. We are excited to see God answering our prayers in giving us the privilege to serve our community and minister the love of Jesus our Lord to the hurting, the lost, and those seeking encouragement. Knowing His Word is an extension of the work God is doing in our midst.

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Agape Radio



Jesus instructed Peter to feed His sheep.  It is Pastor Terry's heartfelt desire to do the same; to feed the Lord's sheep by declaring, "to you the whole counsel of God" (Acts 20:27) by teaching the entire Bible believing, "Faith comes from hearing and hearing the Word of God" (Romans 10:17).  And, above all else, to give God the glory for the great things He has done!

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A Sure Foundation



A Sure Foundation is the radio ministry of Pastor David Rosales and Calvary Chapel Chino Valley. Pastor David can be heard weekdays on radio stations around the United States teaching the Bible in a verse-by-verse style. Previous teachings are archived below so you can listen on demand.

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The Word For Today



Pastor Chuck had been the pastor of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa for almost 50 years and in Christian ministry for some 65 years. He was 86 years old when he entered Glory. His impact on the Christian Church in the 20th century was like few others. Directly and indirectly: Thousands and thousands of churches have been planted all over the world as the fruit of his work Tens of thousands of pastors – both in the Calvary Chapel movement and far, far beyond – have been influenced and trained by him Millions of people came to a saving trust in and relationship with Jesus Christ, and millions more were led to Christian maturity through his Bible teaching and broader ministry The worship environment of the contemporary Christianity was essentially birthed through his ministry. His emphasis on the verse-by-verse exposition of the Bible as the center of the teaching and preaching ministry of the church has had a vast influence.

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Boldly Speaking



Boldly Speaking Radio is the radio outreach ministry of Calvary Chapel Myrtle Beach. The Boldly Speaking Radio program features the unashamed verse-by-verse teaching of Pastor Ron Dozler, the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Myrtle Beach.

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Live With Ryan Ries



Ryan Ries is co-founder of The Whosoevers Movement, a non-profit organization that empowers students at public schools around the world to make positive choices no matter the circumstances. Ryan also teaches a weekly study at Calvary Chapel Golden Springs which can also be heard on KWVE 107.9 FM. He is the host of a live radio talk show, The Ryan Ries Show, which is heard nationwide every Saturday night. Ryan’s hope is to inspire people to stand together and make a difference.

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Strengthened by Grace Radio Live, is a Weekly Radio show and podcast where we witness God's salvation, purpose, and call in the lives of those who receive God's gift of salvation. You'll be hearing from Pastors, worship leaders, and all saints, who will share their story of Grace, how God called them from darkness to light, from death to life. We trust in the Lord's power to encourage you to put your faith in Christ for salvation, and more, answer His call upon your life. Join us every weekend. You can watch it or listen to it on-demand, follow the links below. Video: Podcast:

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H2O Radio



H2O Radio is the radio teaching ministry of Pastor Mike Morris. It is our goal to teach God’s Word in a real and practical way as we go in depth, verse by verse, book by book through The Bible. H2O Radio is broadcast weekly on terrestrial airwaves across the High Desert as well as many other areas in California and 3 other states as well as worldwide through online streaming.

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Surfing The Word



Pastor Steve is a passionate teacher of the word of God, leader in community efforts, and a diligent servant of the people of Kauai. He came to Kauai in the 70's in pursuit of surf and "paradise". He got saved in 1987 and has been serving in the church ever since. He began as a worship leader and eventually became a pastor in 2002. On the side, Pastor Steve teaches Tae Kwon Do. Steve and his wife have five children and four grand children that all reside on Kauai.

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Building On Solid Rock



At Calvary Chapel Solid Rock we seek to build our lives on the solid rock of God's word the whole bible, verse by verse simply teaching the bible simply. We believe that a right relationship with Him is key to living the full and meaningful life that God intended.

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Knowing His word


Knowing His Word


Calvary Chapel Rock Hill began as a home fellowship in the living room of pastor Dennis with two other families. We are excited to see God answering our prayers in giving us the privilege to serve our community and minister the love of Jesus our Lord to the hurting, the lost, and those seeking encouragement. Knowing His Word is an extension of the work God is doing in our midst.

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Agape Radio



Jesus instructed Peter to feed His sheep.  It is Pastor Terry's heartfelt desire to do the same; to feed the Lord's sheep by declaring, "to you the whole counsel of God" (Acts 20:27) by teaching the entire Bible believing, "Faith comes from hearing and hearing the Word of God" (Romans 10:17).  And, above all else, to give God the glory for the great things He has done!

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A Sure Foundation



A Sure Foundation is the radio ministry of Pastor David Rosales and Calvary Chapel Chino Valley. Pastor David can be heard weekdays on radio stations around the United States teaching the Bible in a verse-by-verse style. Previous teachings are archived below so you can listen on demand.

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